Send Your Request Reach out to me with the designer piece you’re searching for—whether it’s a luxury handbag, shoes, or ready-to-wear from a previous or current season.
I Do the Heavy Lifting Once I have your request, I get to work sourcing the item. I’ll leverage my industry connections and knowledge to find exactly what you’re looking for, whether it’s from a brand boutique or a multi-brand retailer.
Confirm Price + Finder’s Fee After finding your piece, I’ll confirm the price and share the finder’s fee with you. This gives you complete transparency before moving forward.
Payment & Shipping Once you approve the price, I’ll send you a payment request. Once payment is received, I will promptly arrange for your item to be shipped. Accepted payment methods: Zelle, PayPal, or any other payment method agreed upon. (Please reach out for more details on payment options.)
Direct from the Source All products are shipped directly from either the brand boutique or a trusted multi-brand retailer, ensuring authenticity and a smooth transaction.